Andy's Web Development Portfolio

HTML Forms

Welcome to the Forms portion of my portfolio!

Creating HTML Forms was one of the most interesting lessons I learned in the web development class. What an HTML Form does is it takes information from a user and sends it over to another page or stores the information on a server to be used later depending on what you want to do with the user’s information. Here is an example of a form below!

*Please fill in some answers below!*

First Name:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Food:

As you can see, forms collect information entered by the user. I created boxes for you to enter your first name, favorite color, and favorite food. Don’t worry, the submit buttons are simply a clickable button for my examples so anything you enter won’t be stored anywhere. Below, I’ll show you another type of form. This next one you might be familiar with.

This next form utilizes radio buttons. Go ahead and try it out.

*Approximately, what percent of the entire human body is composed of water?*

*How old are you?*

Radio buttons let a user select ONE of a limited number of choices. You might have seen this type of form if you’ve ever taken an online survey or test. This kind of form can be used to test users on knowledge as this type of form is ideal for questions where one answer is correct. The form is also used if you are trying to collect more specific information about a certain subject/topic from the user. Like the above examples.

Next, I added a couple of bonus forms for you below!

Watch this video before answering the next questions.

*What was the video about?

*Type the sound a cat makes below.*

Cat makes a sound.

Thanks for playing around with the forms I created. Aren't HTML forms interesting? Check out the other lessons I learned in my portfolio by clicking a button below (These ones work!) or head over to the upper right corner to navigate the site.