Andy's Web Development Portfolio

HTML Lists

Welcome to the Lists portion of my portfolio!

After I learned how to properly make links, I learned how to make two types of lists using the Hyper Text Mark Up Language. The ordered and unordered lists. HTML Lists allow you to group your data and put that related data in a list. The first list I learned was the unordered list. As the name suggests, there is no order to your list so you should use this kind of list if there is no importance to the order of the items/data. Here's an example of making a list of toys your child wants for Christmas.

An unordered list by default is a bulleted list of items. This is what the syntax looks like for the list above.

We use the 'ul' tag to make it known that we are starting an unordered list. The 'li' tags are where we write our listed item.

Ordered lists on the other hand, can be alphabetical or numerical. When you need to prioritize the order of the data of your list, then using this list is ideal. For example if you were making a list of toys your child wants for Christmas and you knew which one they really, really, really wanted!

  1. Nerf Gun
  2. Skateboard
  3. Ball
  4. Pajamas

Here is the code for the above ordered list.

Here, we use the ‘ol’ tag to make it known that we are creating an ordered list. Ordered lists by default are numbered. Same as the unordered list, we use 'li' tags to write our listed item.

I hope I have been able to clarify the differences between ordered and unordered lists and that you now understand what lists are about. There is still more that I have learned from taking a web development class. Click a button below or use the navigation in the top right corner to check out everything if you haven’t already!