Andy's Web Development Portfolio

HTML Tables

Welcome to the table section of my portfolio!

During my web development class, I learned how to create an HTML table! HTML tables allow web developers to arrange data into rows and columns. Below, I’ll give a very simple example of a table with data on the cats in my household.

Cat Name Type of Cat Color Favorite Food
A picture of a orange tabby cat. Mango Tabby Orange Seafood Pâté
A picture of a gray and white tabby cat. Big Tabby Grey and White Chicken Purée
A picture of a gray and white ragdoll cat. Fluff Ragdoll Grey and White Tuna, plus the juice
A picture of a black, white, and orange calico cat. Daphne Calico Orange, White, and Black Surfer's Delight Temptations

An HTML table consists of one ‘table’ element and one or more ‘tr’, ‘th’, and ‘td’ tags. The ‘tr’ tag defines a table row, the ‘th’ tag defines a table header (text that is placed at the top of the cell), and the ‘td’ tag defines a table cell (where data is placed). Organizing your data into a table like this allows users to get information quickly and easily. It provides efficient readability and reduces the complexity of searching for any information and represents the data in an easy format. As you can see, you are able to find out the name of my cats, what type they are, what color, and their favorite foods. I further made it easier for you to find information by alternating the background colors. In a larger table, this would help you keep your place while searching the data and it enhances your focus on the data you want to read. Here is an image of the code used for this table.

An image of HTML code for tables

Pay attention to the tags I mentioned earlier and see if you can spot where the headers are, as well as the information I provided for each cat!

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